Viewing DataRay Software

Tutorial: Interfacing to C++ in Visual Studio 2013
Interfacing |August 31, 2016
It is our pleasure to announce a new Visual C++ tutorial for interfacing DataRay Camera and Slit Scan Profilers using the DataRay OCX.
Setting the Right Capture Block
Beam Profiling Concepts |June 20, 2016
Centering the laser beam and properly sizing the capture block are important steps in taking accurate laser beam measurements with DataRay software. In this blog post we explain why the beam needs to be centered on the capture block, and the errors that can occur if the corners of the capture block are illuminated by the beam.

Interfacing MATLAB with DataRay Beam Profilers
Interfacing |June 6, 2016
We are proud to announce a new tutorial on interfacing MATLAB with our beam profilers. An interface to MATLAB is useful given the variety of data processing toolboxes MATLAB provides.
Major Software Update & CLEO Conference 2016
DataRay Software |May 26, 2016
In this post, we discuss our major new software update, as well as provide a preview of the demos we'll be showing at CLEO Conference 2016
M² and High-order Modes
M Squared |April 27, 2016
M² is a measurement that was originally designed to determine the quality of a real beam in comparison to a theoretically perfect fundamental mode Gaussian beam (Siegman 1990). Although many lasers are designed to output a fundamental mode Gaussian beam, imperfections and/or cavity design in the laser will often cause superimposed higher-order transverse modes.

Tutorial: WinCamD and BeamMap2 Interface to Labview
Interfacing |January 6, 2016
We are pleased to announce a new LabVIEW interface tutorial for both our WinCamD image profilers and BeamMap2 scanning slit profilers. The interface tutorial includes new LabVIEW interface examples which can easily be modified to suit a great variety of applications.